Our 3 Month Intensive

Transforms Terrified Public Speakers into Confident, Skilled Speakers and Leaders

Inspired Speaker Program Student Results


Feel more respected at home and at work


Enjoy interviewing, social gatherings, & networking events


Enjoy speaking impromptu

A Love Note From Lynn

The Inspired Speaker Program is an inside-out approach that will positively change your life. ​

To describe it as just a public speaking program greatly diminishes the deeply transformative experiences you’ll have and how your life will advance.

My training will take you into who you are as a human and unite you with your core value. From this place, you’ll connect with your inner confidence to light up and influence any room.

You’ll create a whole new level of belief and profound respect for yourself. You'll connect with your genius and you will trust your voice.

You’ll become worthy of taking up space, sharing your ideas, and connecting with others from the heart.

You'll be welcomed into my family, and we'll all have your back because together, we all rise.

It would be an honor to walk beside you.

  • Eliminate your fear of public speaking for good.

  • Easily and effectively share your message and expertise with any audience.

  • Learn to speak impromptu, trusting that you'll find the right words.

  • Develop your leadership presence, to inspire your audience or land your next job promotion.

  • Transform your interpersonal relationships for the better, as people who know you start to see you in a new light.

"Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position."

~Brian Tracy



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Together we’ll identify and clear memories and defense mechanisms that hold you back from being your most confident and authentic self. Eliminate the root causes of your public speaking and social anxiety fears for good. Your past vulnerable and embarrassing moments are holding you back and together we can release them.

​➤ 4 private coaching calls

Level 1 Speak Like a Pro heart icon

Speak Like a Pro


Go from "What are they thinking of me?" to "How can I best serve my audience?" Hone your ability to hold people's attention and connect in a way that makes them feel important and inspired. Become at ease in the spotlight while serving the highest needs of your audience.​

➤ 4 skill-building group Zoom session

Level 2 Speak Like a Pro Star Icon

Lead Like a Pro


Expand your executive presence and personal brand, and confidently own any room. Deliver your message to audiences large and small, and handle impromptu questions with ease. Ignite your leadership presence to empower you and bring out the best in those around you.

​➤ 4 skill-building group Zoom sessions


Big picture, in the class sessions, you’ll be rewiring your brain and nervous system to stop reacting to public speaking as a risk or threat that needs to be avoided to keep you safe. You’ll be educating your brain and nervous system so that they no longer need to protect or prevent you from speaking (by causing dread, fear, and panic or by causing you to forget your words, freeze up, ramble, mumble, cry, or freak out.)​ With the new skills you’ll receive, your brain and body will become utterly convinced that those old habits are now obsolete.

  • You will know, and feel at your core, that public speaking is a safe, positive, and powerful experience.

  • Perhaps for the first time ever, you’ll feel excited about the opportunity to speak and know you’ll do it well.

  • You’ll have fun in the spotlight as you confidently share your ideas, opinions, and expertise.

  • You’ll develop and demonstrate the skills that allow you to impact and move your audience.

  • You’ll be proud of what you said and happy with how you said it.

It’s an extraordinary and transformative experience! As you step into your power, it’s absolutely life-changing.

The program works because it's based on neuroscience.

3 Steps Icon for Public Speaking

3 Steps To Free Your Fear Of Public Speaking

How on earth does a class full of people who are terrified to be in the spotlight transform into enthusiastic, magnetic, and inspirational public speakers in just 3 months over Zoom?​

Sounds nearly impossible, right? Yet we have a 98% success rate, year after year. Here are the 3 success principles that make your transformation happen:


Clear The Fear

The Inspired Speaker Program goes where traditional public speaking classes fail to go. It directly finds and removes the root causes of the fear of public speaking and then replaces those deep inward-facing fear responses with a strong foundation of confidence and an easy, outward-facing ability to connect with others in an audience. This three-step process takes just three months:


We identify the root causes of your fear of public speaking and eliminate them methodically, one by one. This is done in private online coaching sessions with a certified practitioner, following Lynn Kirkham’s remarkable CORE Repatterning process. This signature approach will reprogram your brain so you’re no longer at the mercy of old fearful patterns that have been sabotaging your best efforts. You’ll eliminate old and unconscious blocks and permanently reset your nervous system so you become excited about public speaking and leadership while inspiring your audiences every time. Learn more about CORE Repatterning™.


Once the root causes of your fears are cleared out of your nervous system, the Level I - Speak Like a Pro class will fill that cleared space with new positive habits and confidence and new positive experiences. You will do this by speaking to small audiences in a safe and supportive environment. Learn more about Level I.


Finally, to solidify your new outlook and skills and to ensure that you make a permanent shift, in Level II - Lead Like a Pro, we continue to add positive, small and large group speaking experiences while building your leadership presence and adding more empowering habits and techniques to expand your impact. Learn more about Level II.

Get Remarkable Results with CORE Repatterning™. Sarah Will Show You How.


Clear The Fear

The Inspired Speaker Program is a safe environment. This is incredibly important for nervous speakers who view public speaking as one of their biggest nightmares. Many speaking classes aren’t safe and can even be traumatizing. Not this program.

We infuse the program with support at every step so that you can trust that nothing bad will happen:

No exercise or activity in the program is mandatory. You won’t be forced or shamed for opting out of anything.

We focus on positive encouragement and celebrating your wins, big and small. Your speaking won’t be criticized or negatively judged. You won’t be mocked or graded.

We make it easy for you to learn to be comfortable in the spotlight and succeed with public speaking. You won’t be thrown into the deep end of the pool and asked to deliver a long presentation. Instead, you’ll make steady, incremental progress in short, achievable steps that add up fast.

Spiral Icon for Yes You can Speak

You'll be supported

And high-fived all along the way! Your fellow students will encourage you and give you feedback on what you did well. Your instructors will build and protect the positive environment continuously so that you can make rapid progress and even enjoy the process.

It’s shocking, we know!

Check out some of our many reviews from past students for inspiration!





Create Permanent Change

The Inspired Speaker Program is multi-dimensional and will accelerate your skill and confidence as a speaker — in a way that completely replaces your old fears for good.

Our process isn’t a one-way lecture where you take notes, it’s fully integrated and experiential. We combine a large array of exercises, private coaching, small and large group practice sessions, guided visualizations, real-time examples, neuroscience-based techniques, insights, active listening, positive feedback, ample opportunities to connect with yourself and other friendly people, and much more.

This makes it possible for new patterns and skills to truly sink in. New habits become ingrained in your brain and nervous system so that you can really make big strides quickly. By the end of the program, you’ll have all the building blocks to confidently get your message across. You’ll have practiced them and made them part of you. Also, the classes are a ton of fun, and the special people you’ll meet will likely become a part of your tribe.

In addition to having many speaking opportunities in class, you’ll support and hone your speaking experiences by learning to:

  • Transform your self-image and self-talk​

  • Frame your intentions and mindset to improve your communication results and change how you're perceived​

  • Change how you perceive yourself so you can show up fully and gain the respect you’ve been wanting​

  • Ground yourself in ways that help you focus on being of service, which will enable you to stay connected and move your audience​

  • Instantly create energy and charisma when you want it​

  • Become a leader who’s worth following

Heart Layers

These many layers

Weave together into a lasting, unbreakable core foundation. This is more than just a public speaking program, it's an opportunity for you to step into the next best version of yourself.

In short, you’ll develop every part of you that impacts your speaking and leadership success—body, mind, heart, and soul.


Chances are, our founder, Lynn Kirkham, used to be as fearful of speaking as you are right now, if not more. She was so deathly afraid of public speaking at her high-tech Silicon Valley job, that she actually paid her colleagues to give talks for her. Until she got caught.

Lynn created the Inspired Speaker Program as a shortcut for the process she developed that worked miraculously for her.

The program’s methodology works so well, that we have a 98% success rate. If you complete the 3-month program and it doesn’t work, we’ll refund your money, guaranteed. It’s rare; we’ve done this on average with one student per year.

Woohoo! Let's celebrate that you’ve finally found a proven process that will work for you. It’s a speaking and leadership program like no other.

This Program is an Integrated, Multi-Dimensional Experience that Utterly Transforms People.


When You Come To Our Program,

You may already be an expert on the topics you want to speak about, and you’re passionate about sharing your ideas. Chances are you’ve already learned how to create a slide deck and craft a script, or can Google it. You’ve likely already tried traditional public speaking and leadership classes and coaches.


You remain terrified of speaking and leading! You’re unable to deliver your presentations in a way that connects with people and inspires them. You don’t see a solution, and you may feel stuck. Often, other speaking situations are a challenge too—

  • You hold back in meetings and can’t share your ideas

  • You get passed over for promotions to leadership positions

  • You experience social anxiety

  • You feel invisible in conversations, even with friends and family, or get interrupted

  • The volume or sound of your voice, or your accent, may be holding you back too

In Short,

You haven’t found a way to get unstuck. Yet, you’re SO eager and ready to get past this barrier in your life and move to the next level toward your goals.

The good news is, the methods in the Inspired Speaker Program work quickly. It’s a 3-month weekly program that meets online. By the end, most students are actively seeking more opportunities to speak in front of larger groups because it becomes so much fun and energizing for them. They’re shocked by this, and thrilled by the bigger impact they can make in the world by sharing their message with new and bigger audiences.


Inspired Speaker Program

Commit to our unique 3-part approach which makes our formula simply the best in the industry.​

Includes all three:

CORE Repatterning™

Level I - Speak Like a Pro

Level II - Lead Like a Pro



SATURDAYS: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT
September 7,14, 21, 28


SATURDAYS: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT

October 26, November 2, 9,16



SATURDAYS: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT
January 18, 25, February 1,8

April 5,12,19, 26

September 13, 20, 27, October 4


SATURDAYS: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT

March 1, 8, 15, 22

May 10, 17, 24, 31

October 25, November 1, 8,15

Find your calm center,

Be yourself and 'Wow' your interviews with your authentic power to show up in the spotlight.

In just 3 months you will look in the mirror and feel respect, and maybe for the very first time, good enough.

The Inspired Speaker Program promises a life-changing experience.
Are you ready?


A few common questions we get from people looking to join.

How do you get proven results?

Over the past 15 years, we've worked with over 4,500 individuals, employing a strategic step-by-step system that uses neuroscience to release the patterns in your brain that cause stage fright. Together, we identify the root cause of what is creating your fear and release it once and for all. This is through our signature 3-part program, weaving both group and individual training sessions to assure a complete transformation. We have a 98 percent success rate.

How is YYCS different from other public speaking programs?

We employ a strategic step-by-step system that uses neuroscience to release patterns in your brain that cause stage fright.

Most speaking programs use an outside-in approach, which we believe will never permanently shift the fear response in your brain, body, or nervous system. These programs focus on critiquing you in front of the group, reinforcing the feeling that people will always judge you. So we don't do that, and direct our attention instead to building on your strengths. The Yes You Can Speak method is an inside-out approach that uncovers and releases triggering past experiences, limiting beliefs, and sabotaging behaviors. Since research indicates that 90 percent of human behavior is subconscious, this part is essential because if you don't address it, the patterns of staying quiet or having continual self-doubt may never go away.

We then help you to reprogram your nervous system so that being in the spotlight and speaking well becomes second nature.

Powerful meditative and experiential exercises will help you to access your inner wisdom, tap into your purpose and illuminate who you are meant to be in the world.

What can I expect by completing the Inspired Speaker Program?

You will see yourself in a much bigger context than the box you may be experiencing now - without the insecurities and self-doubt that have held you back.

And the truth is, once you feel safe to be seen and heard, you can move forward with a greater sense of self-expression, and your words will flow with power and ease.

When you speak in the Yes You Can Speak trainings, you will receive reflections from the group that reveal the biggest, brightest parts of you that you could not have seen in yourself. This positive support ignites your true potential so you can step into possibilities and opportunities far beyond what you experienced in the past.

What is included in the 3 part Inspired Speaker Program?

CORE Repatterning™, Level I and Level II

CORE Repatterning™- Four customized, private 90-minute breakthrough sessions to identify and release painful memories of the past, trauma, and self-sabotaging patterns that have prevented you from speaking or relating well with others.

Level I - Irresistible Public Speaking is a 4-week online group training that will enable you to feel comfortable in your skin and speak with ease when all eyes are on you.

Level II - Inspired Speaking and Leadership is a 4-week group training where you master impromptu speaking and step into your brilliance and authenticity. This immersion will guarantee your success as a confident, poised, connected speaker and leader.

Would it make more sense to work privately with a public speaking coach instead of taking a group program?

If you are afraid of speaking publicly, the class environment provides the space for you to break the habit of feeling like your audience is judging you by being in a group and having many eyes on you.​

Personal attention is also vital for becoming the most confident and influential speaker and leader you can be. That's why our group trainings include working with Lynn or one of our sought-after Yes You Can Speak coaches during each class session, supporting you in moving quickly from fear to feeling confident and self-assured.

Is this program enough or will I need more training?

Typically graduates of the Inspired Speaker Program feel fully prepared to speak online or in person to any sort of audience. However, if you’ve got a big engagement, you can work privately with Lynn to craft an amazing talk and hone your delivery.

Miami, FL | Brickell Ave | 415.819.6461 | [email protected]

CORE Repatterning is a legal trademark of Yes You Can Speak LLC and may not be used without permission.