Level II


Level 2 lead like a pro icon

Step Into Your Authentic

Servant Leadership

If you know you’re smart and have the skills and experience to take on that dream job, and yet…

  • You’re not being recognized or promoted

  • You’re being passed over for leadership roles

  • Your confidence shrinks when upper management is in the room

  • You’re not sure how to bring out the best in the people on your team

Then the Lead Like a Pro program is for you! You’ll learn to communicate in a way that causes people to see you as a dynamic leader they trust and want to work with.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
– John Quincy Adams

Through this journey of inner mastery, you'll come to:

Unequivocally trust yourself to communicate clearly in the spotlight

  • 100% count on your voice

  • Step into your version of servant leadership

Refine your personal brand and get noticed

  • Be perceived as promotable

  • Rise into management or start your own company

Embody your leadership presence and what it is to live on purpose

  • Lead in a way that others will follow

  • Make a bigger impact and leave a legacy you’re proud of

Master having an idea, standing strong in your presence, and trusting you will deliver what you need to say. Level II builds on Level I with an emphasis on personal and professional leadership.

If you know you’re smart and have the skills and experience to take on that dream job, and yet…

​Level II - Lead Like a Pro is all about shifting your presence from the inside out, to make full use of your existing subject-matter expertise and skills in a way that others will find helpful, motivational, and empowering.

In this program, we promise that you’ll become comfortable communicating as a leader, as you:

  • Claim a personal leadership brand that feels amazing

  • Ask for a raise or a promotion with ease, even with prior cultural barriers

  • Interview and land a new position with gravitas

  • Let your authentic executive presence lead you with inspiration and confidence

  • Feel excited to jump onto a stage or in front of a crowd - no matter what size of audience

  • Confidently take up space and speak on the fly without a script (it’s true—you and all your fellow classmates will be speaking impromptu and loving it!)

Level II


How does this program make it possible for you to make such a big transformation?


So You'll Feel Comfortable in the Spotlight.

16 hours of focused, supportive group training to unwind self-sabotaging patterns for good, in four half days on Saturdays on Zoom.

Level 2 lead like a pro star icon

Building on the skills,

that you’ve acquired in Level I, we now get to the heart of what makes a great leader great. The half-day sessions are dynamic, immersive, and multi-layered to accelerate your progress.

  • Every step has been carefully planned to teach new skills and convey new insights in a way that will stick. We combine quiet introspection, logical explanations, powerful emotions, multiple learning styles, high-energy exercises, small-group coaching, large-group interactions, and more.

  • Both introverts and extroverts enjoy the program and do well; plus you’re never pressured to do something you don’t want to do. This isn’t a traditional corporate public speaking or leadership program. It’s so much more. And it’s so much fun!

You’ll have many opportunities to practice speaking so that your new habits sink in quickly—all within a super-safe space that you’ll trust to continuously support you without hesitation.

Examples of what's covered in Level II:

  • Identify your secret sauce and learn how to ignite it so that you make an impact when you enter a room.

  • Release emotions around not being seen by your parents or caretakers when you were young so that you can be truly seen today.

  • Become crystal clear on who you are and how you’re meant to lead.

  • Spark your confidence when speaking with authority figures.

  • Bring your whole self into the spotlight and shine.

  • Discover how to shift your presence and perspective to make it possible and surprisingly easy to master the art of impromptu speaking.

  • Learn techniques to bring out the best in yourself and the best in others.

  • Spend time immersed in a positive, growth-oriented environment to ground, develop, and nurture yourself as you cultivate leadership traits.

You'll cultivate and embody
leadership traits, such as:

Clarity of Vision
Active Listening
Executive Presence


4 sessions, 4 hours each, 4 consecutive weeks with an optional 30-minute Q&A and laser-focused coaching time with Lynn Kirkham as a bonus.

Throughout each class, you’ll alternate between small-group breakthrough sessions with one of our trained coaches, who will guide and support you ~ and large-group sessions led by Lynn, who is always there to ensure you feel supported in whatever way you need.

During the group training, you’ll have unlimited access to Lynn Kirkham via text or email, and a private online supportive chat for sharing wins and success stories between classes.


Lead Like a Pro



SATURDAYS: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT

October 26, November 2, 9,16



SATURDAYS: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm PT

March 1, 8, 15, 22

May 10, 17, 24, 31

October 25, November 1, 8,15

Level II - Lead Like a Pro is an advanced training program that builds on the foundational skills you established through the Level I - Speak Like a Pro program. Level I is a prerequisite for Level II, to deliver the most dynamic results. Both programs, along with CORE Repatterning which is usually but not always taken first, make up Lynn Kirkham’s Inspired Speaker Program.


About Level II or Any of Our Other Programs?

CONTACT US by EMAIL or Schedule a SHORT CALL at a Time That Works for You.



Together we’ll identify and clear memories and defense mechanisms that hold you back from being your most confident and authentic self. Eliminate the root causes of your public speaking and social anxiety fears for good. Your past vulnerable and embarrassing moments are holding you back and together we can release them.

Lead Like a Pro


Expand your executive presence and personal brand, and confidently own any room. Deliver your message to audiences large and small, and handle impromptu questions with ease. Ignite your leadership presence to empower you and bring out the best in those around you.



This program will elevate your business, mission, and leadership. We will help you design and deliver the talk that you are meant to share with the 20


First you’ll build a solid foundation, with the principles and skills in the three-month Inspired Speaker Program.

Public Speaking for ESL


Learn to make powerful audience connections with your current vocabulary and accent. Many of our students are ESL and you’ll be surprised how the Inspired Speaker Program will give you all the confidence you need to get your message across with ease and feel good enough to speak and be heard.


A few common questions we get from people looking to join.

Why Join Yes You Can Speak?

Most speaking programs have an outside-in approach, which will never permanently shift the fear response in your brain. On the other hand, the Yes You Can Speak method is an inside-out approach, which uncovers and releases triggering past experiences, limiting beliefs and behaviors that sabotage you. We then help you to reprogram your nervous system so that being in the spotlight and speaking well becomes second nature.

Are you going to teach me how to make slides and structure talks?

We teach simple structures for your talks but don’t teach how to create slides because you can look all that up online for free. Our main focus is to create a permanent shift in your self-esteem and confidence so you can feel comfortable in your own skin no matter where you are.

Most of my presentation are virtual. Will this training be helpful?

The Inspired Speaker Program is live and interactive, online. Lynn will teach you exactly how to be your best self online so you will consistently impact any audience, big or small. You will have several opportunities in class each week to practice and refine your skills.

Most of my presentations are in-person vs onine. Will this training be helpful?

Yes, the transformation that you will have through this training will impact your communication skills no matter where you are. Lynn will even share with you exactly what she teaches her TEDx students so they rivet their audiences every time.

Are your results guaranteed?

Yes, our results have a 100% money-back guarantee for those who complete all three parts of the Inspired Speaker Program.

Over the past 15 years, we've worked with over 4,500 individuals and have a 98% success rate, so if you're not completely satisfied, we will refund every penny of your investment.

Miami, FL | Brickell Ave | 415.819.6461 | [email protected]

CORE Repatterning is a legal trademark of Yes You Can Speak LLC and may not be used without permission.