This growing collection of Lynn’s teachings is here to inspire your unique path to mastery. Because being a powerful speaker is not about what you say; it's about who you are, your values, and your ability to stand behind the gift of your unique message.

The topics of Lynn’s blog tap into the foundational teachings of her wildly successful speaker program, which include the critical arena of self-development and the highly practical tools necessary for masterful speaking and leadership.

Enjoy the articles and videos so you rise gracefully into your own leadership presence.







Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

February 27, 20241 min read

Embrace Your Shine: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking and Being More Than Enough

Hey there, Shining Stars!

Ever felt like you need to reach extreme heights to be a remarkable public speaker?

Let me tell you a secret—you don't. The journey to becoming a shining star in public speaking starts with embracing yourself unequivocally.

8 Reasons

You, my friend, are more than enough. Your words, your presence—they matter, whether you're addressing a massive audience or brightening someone's day on the street. Your impact can be profound, one person at a time.

It's time to debunk the myth that you need a colossal platform to leave a legacy. What if, in this very moment, you are more than enough? What if choosing to believe it opens doors to endless possibilities?

Feel the fear of public speaking, but speak anyway. Recognize that you are in this moment, and the next, and the next—more than enough, more than you know. Embrace your shine and let it radiate through your words, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Ready to overcome the fear of public speaking? It starts with realizing that, in every moment, you are enough. Your authenticity is your superpower, and it's time to unleash it. Shine on, my friend!

Remember, the world changes one person at a time. You have the power to make a difference. Embrace your shine, conquer your fears of public speaking, and speak your truth boldly.

Stay empowered,
Lynn Kirkham- Yes You Can Speak- Public Speaking Coach

fear of public speaking public speakerembrace
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Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

February 27, 20241 min read

Embrace Your Shine: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking and Being More Than Enough

Hey there, Shining Stars!

Ever felt like you need to reach extreme heights to be a remarkable public speaker?

Let me tell you a secret—you don't. The journey to becoming a shining star in public speaking starts with embracing yourself unequivocally.

8 Reasons

You, my friend, are more than enough. Your words, your presence—they matter, whether you're addressing a massive audience or brightening someone's day on the street. Your impact can be profound, one person at a time.

It's time to debunk the myth that you need a colossal platform to leave a legacy. What if, in this very moment, you are more than enough? What if choosing to believe it opens doors to endless possibilities?

Feel the fear of public speaking, but speak anyway. Recognize that you are in this moment, and the next, and the next—more than enough, more than you know. Embrace your shine and let it radiate through your words, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Ready to overcome the fear of public speaking? It starts with realizing that, in every moment, you are enough. Your authenticity is your superpower, and it's time to unleash it. Shine on, my friend!

Remember, the world changes one person at a time. You have the power to make a difference. Embrace your shine, conquer your fears of public speaking, and speak your truth boldly.

Stay empowered,
Lynn Kirkham- Yes You Can Speak- Public Speaking Coach

fear of public speaking public speakerembrace
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Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

February 27, 20241 min read

Embrace Your Shine: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking and Being More Than Enough

Hey there, Shining Stars!

Ever felt like you need to reach extreme heights to be a remarkable public speaker?

Let me tell you a secret—you don't. The journey to becoming a shining star in public speaking starts with embracing yourself unequivocally.

8 Reasons

You, my friend, are more than enough. Your words, your presence—they matter, whether you're addressing a massive audience or brightening someone's day on the street. Your impact can be profound, one person at a time.

It's time to debunk the myth that you need a colossal platform to leave a legacy. What if, in this very moment, you are more than enough? What if choosing to believe it opens doors to endless possibilities?

Feel the fear of public speaking, but speak anyway. Recognize that you are in this moment, and the next, and the next—more than enough, more than you know. Embrace your shine and let it radiate through your words, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Ready to overcome the fear of public speaking? It starts with realizing that, in every moment, you are enough. Your authenticity is your superpower, and it's time to unleash it. Shine on, my friend!

Remember, the world changes one person at a time. You have the power to make a difference. Embrace your shine, conquer your fears of public speaking, and speak your truth boldly.

Stay empowered,
Lynn Kirkham- Yes You Can Speak- Public Speaking Coach

fear of public speaking public speakerembrace
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Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

February 27, 20241 min read

Embrace Your Shine: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking and Being More Than Enough

Hey there, Shining Stars!

Ever felt like you need to reach extreme heights to be a remarkable public speaker?

Let me tell you a secret—you don't. The journey to becoming a shining star in public speaking starts with embracing yourself unequivocally.

8 Reasons

You, my friend, are more than enough. Your words, your presence—they matter, whether you're addressing a massive audience or brightening someone's day on the street. Your impact can be profound, one person at a time.

It's time to debunk the myth that you need a colossal platform to leave a legacy. What if, in this very moment, you are more than enough? What if choosing to believe it opens doors to endless possibilities?

Feel the fear of public speaking, but speak anyway. Recognize that you are in this moment, and the next, and the next—more than enough, more than you know. Embrace your shine and let it radiate through your words, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Ready to overcome the fear of public speaking? It starts with realizing that, in every moment, you are enough. Your authenticity is your superpower, and it's time to unleash it. Shine on, my friend!

Remember, the world changes one person at a time. You have the power to make a difference. Embrace your shine, conquer your fears of public speaking, and speak your truth boldly.

Stay empowered,
Lynn Kirkham- Yes You Can Speak- Public Speaking Coach

fear of public speaking public speakerembrace
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Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

Embrace Your Shine: Conquer Fear of Public Speaking, Become a Remarkable Public Speaker

February 27, 20241 min read

Embrace Your Shine: Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking and Being More Than Enough

Hey there, Shining Stars!

Ever felt like you need to reach extreme heights to be a remarkable public speaker?

Let me tell you a secret—you don't. The journey to becoming a shining star in public speaking starts with embracing yourself unequivocally.

8 Reasons

You, my friend, are more than enough. Your words, your presence—they matter, whether you're addressing a massive audience or brightening someone's day on the street. Your impact can be profound, one person at a time.

It's time to debunk the myth that you need a colossal platform to leave a legacy. What if, in this very moment, you are more than enough? What if choosing to believe it opens doors to endless possibilities?

Feel the fear of public speaking, but speak anyway. Recognize that you are in this moment, and the next, and the next—more than enough, more than you know. Embrace your shine and let it radiate through your words, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Ready to overcome the fear of public speaking? It starts with realizing that, in every moment, you are enough. Your authenticity is your superpower, and it's time to unleash it. Shine on, my friend!

Remember, the world changes one person at a time. You have the power to make a difference. Embrace your shine, conquer your fears of public speaking, and speak your truth boldly.

Stay empowered,
Lynn Kirkham- Yes You Can Speak- Public Speaking Coach

fear of public speaking public speakerembrace
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